Noti K Filjmu Ironiya Sudjbi

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Municipal health services, key figures Published 28 June 2016 2015 2015 2014 - 2015 2011 - 2015 Absolute figures Per 10 000 inhabitants Percentage change 1 Percentage change 1 1Percentage change is based on absolute figures 2Due to change of data source, changes in man-years are not calculated. Man-years for physicians in the municipal health service 5 456.6 10.5 2.5 12.8 Man-years for physiotherapists 4 689.7 9.0 2.0 9.2 Absolute figures Per inhabitant Percentage change 1 Percentage change 1 Gross operating expenditure municipal health in total (1 000 NOK) 15 503 671 2 973.5 3.6 26.9 Gross operating expenditure. Preventive health (enviormental health care) (1 000 NOK) 1 263 329 242.3 5.3 30.8 Gross operating expenditure. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, function 241, (1 000 NOK) 11 072 016 2 123.5 3.3 25.7 Absolute figures Per 10 000 inhabitants 0-20 years Percentage change 1 Percentage change 1 Gross operating expenditure. Preventive health (enviormental health care) (1 000 NOK) 3 168 326 2 386.2 4.0 29.9 Man-years health centers and school health 2 4 498.5 33.9:.

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Most children 0-5 years of age have follow-ups at public health centres in Norway. New-borns and their parents can receive home visits during the first two weeks of returning home from the hospital. The share that receives home visits has continuously risen since 2011, from 78 per cent to 83 per cent in 2015. At the public health centres, between 96 and 98 per cent of the children get health examinations by the age of 8 weeks, 3 years and 4 years. The school health services offer health examinations of school children in their first school year, and in 2015 96 per cent of these children were examined. The percentage that is examined has risen in recent years and was 89 per cent in 2011. GPs and physiotherapists – increasing number of man-years Man-years for physiotherapists and general practitioners within the municipal health care services continue to rise.

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Noti K Filjmu Ironiya Sudjbi

In 2015, the number of man-years for GPs was 5 457. This represents a growth of 2.5 per cent from 2014 and about 13 per cent from 2011. Eight in ten man-years were used for diagnosing, treatment and rehabilitation, while one in ten man-years were used in institutions for the elderly and functionally impaired. In 2015, the number of man-years for physiotherapist was 4 690; an increase of 2 per cent since 2014 and 9 per cent from 2011.

Increasing expenditures NOK 15.5 billion was spent on municipal health care services in 2015, which corresponds to about NOK 3 000 per inhabitant. This is 3.6 per cent higher than in 2014. One fifth of the expenditure was spent on the public health centres and the school health services.

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