Shlem Bogatirya Svoimi Rukami Iz Kartona

Shlem Bogatirya Svoimi Rukami Iz Kartona Average ratng: 8,6/10 9645 votes

Instrukciya dlya magnitol addzest. Dear security complex; — Body: native molding R18 Ralliart with summer tires Potenza; visor; Lights- lenses biksenon; tumanki; native thresholds; pads on the front and rear bumper Shark; gills on the wings and pad on the roof; custom spoiler; bifurcated exhaust (not loud) with banks HKS (quiet beautiful bass); — SALON: partially tensioned black and red leather (steering wheel, seats, door, front panel, armrest); additional installed. The machine I had the 2nd year bought in Habarovske.V technical planet machine appeared verified, that is such as it should be. Instruments: voltmeter, pressure, oil temperature; camera c / x; for manual shifting like the handle lever and paddles on the steering wheel; cruise control; on-board computer; system illumination zone rotation — AFS; rain sensor, light sensor; Japanese cassette Eclipse and buffer amplifier with Addzest; EQ on the rear window. A huge plus is tuning its just an incredible amount of thanks to his older brother Ewe) Edith adequately for simple kopeck piece, though not economical ( Full duty; Chain engine 4B11 MIVEC (NOT GDI) — analogue VTEC, 158 hp.

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